Orbital Rim Implants*
When one refers to orbital rim implants, we have to clarify if they are talking about the “superior” or “inferior” orbital rim. The most common implants are the inferior orbital rim implants. Orbital Rim deficiencies vary from person to person; so comprehensive and accurate pre-planning will create a surgical outcome.”
These are used to correct several deformities, such as:
- Severe Tear-Trough Deformities
- “Negative Vector” of the Orbit
- “Hollow Eyes”
- Globular Eyes
- Excessive Lower Eyelid Bags
- Combined Orbital-Malar Hypoplasia
There are other alternatives to orbital implants. One option is to perform osteotomies with bone mobilization. Honestly, this type of surgery is too invasive, with higher risks and is almost always irreversible and requires hospitalization.
Other alternatives are fillers and fat grafting. However, these options are only indicated for minor tear-trough deformities. Fillers are temporary, while fat grafting is prone to contour irregularities with lumpiness. They cannot correct globular eyes, excessive baggy eyelids or malar hypoplasia. I would have to evaluate you and recommend the best option for your particular condition. After adequate evaluation via the processes below, I can then help you decide the best shape and size of implant.
To deliver better accuracy, I recommend 3D soft tissue imaging (Canfield) and a CAT scan that is reformatted to 3D images to study the facial skeleton. This 3D scan is used to recreate a 3D print of the facial skeleton (Stereolitography). The 3D facial model is used to create a completely custom-made implant or to customize off-the shelf existing implants. By using advanced 3D imaging, I can better assess the specific condition and simulate the outcome of proposed surgical plans. At that time, we can adjust any discrepancies prior to surgery. This decreases the likelihood of touch-ups or “redo’s”.
The combination of soft tissue and skeletal 3D technology allows me to develop a surgical plan with a level of accuracy not available with traditional imaging technology.
My preference is Medpor (porous polyethylene) implants. I can also use other types of implants, if indicated. Orbital rim deficiencies vary from person to person; so comprehensive and accurate pre-planning will create a surgical plan more specific for each patient. Our team will help you navigate through the process. We know you may have many questions and concerns, and we will help you with these. Our goal is to provide you with the best medical treatment available and give you the necessary support before, during, and after the surgery.